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發(fā)表于 2024-7-8 13:11 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式 | 來自河北


注意:這不是 root 電視的完整教程,,但是包含了進入電視系統(tǒng)底層的各種準備工作. 能夠進入電視系統(tǒng)底層之后, 任何有 magisk 使用經驗的人都可以輕松實現 root.

測試設備: 小米電視 A43 pro (L43MA-AP) (2023 年上市)

警告 (免責聲明):
操作有風險, 包括但不限于數據丟失, 設備損壞, 失去保修等,所以大家需要謹慎刷機。


本文使用的各種方法并非原創(chuàng), 而是主要來自于以下幾篇文章:
(ZNDS 智能電視網) 教程&攻略 2022新款小米電視(安卓6以上)硬核root教程(需要USB轉TTL)

(ZNDS 智能電視網) 教程&攻略 小米電視硬核root教程(需要USB轉TTL硬件工具)


本章所需硬件設備: 小米電視, 小米電視的遙控器, PC (臺式機或筆記本), 本地局域網絡 (有線以太網或無線 WIFI)。

2.1 正常開機, 先看一下系統(tǒng)信息




關于: MIUI TV 版本: MiTV OS 2.8.2129 (穩(wěn)定版)


設備信息: 屏幕參數 3840x2160 43英寸, 存儲 內存 2GB 閃存 32GB, 無線連接 2.4GHz/5GHz 藍牙, 操作系統(tǒng) Android.


存儲空間: 共 30536MB, 系統(tǒng) 4446MB.

2.2 在設置中的【關于】頁面找到產品型號 (MiTV):

選中 產品型號 然后連續(xù)多次點擊遙控器上的 確認 按鍵, 即可進入 開發(fā)者模式.

2.3 在設置中的 帳號與安全 頁面, 將 ADB調試 選項打開:


ADB 調試這個開關只有在上一步開啟開發(fā)者模式后才會出現. 并且每次重啟之后, 這個選項都會自動關閉

2.4 通過有線以太網或無線 wifi 將設備聯網, 然后看一下設備的 IP 地址 (下圖已打馬):


比如此處設備的 IP 地址是
注意, 只需要將設備連接至本地局域網, 能夠通過 DHCP 獲取 IP 地址即可, 無需連接互聯網 (Internet).

2.5 在 PC (臺式機或筆記本) 上安裝 adb工具, 然后執(zhí)行命令:
  1. > adb connect
  2. connected to
  3. > adb devices
  4. List of devices attached
  5.        device

需要在電視上使用遙控器同意 adb 調試.

此時就成功通過 adb 連接到了電視!

2.6 在 PC 上使用 adb 安裝 apk, 比如

  1. adb install aida64-v198.apk
重復使用這個命令, 就可以安裝多個應用

如果安裝命令執(zhí)行成功后, 沒有顯示出應用圖標, 可以重啟電視


本章所需硬件設備: 小米電視, 小米電視的遙控器

3.1 關機, 拔掉電源.

注意, 一定要拔掉電源, 僅僅關機是不夠的.

3.2  (適用于 藍牙遙控器)

同時按住遙控器上的 確認 和 返回 按鍵, 如圖 (黃圈標記):


按住遙控器按鍵不松手, 插電開機。進入recovery界面如圖:


4.制作HDMI轉 UART (TTL 5V) 調試線

本章所需硬件設備: HDMI 插頭 (或 HDMI 線), USB 轉 UART 模塊 (推薦 CP2102), 杜邦線, 萬用表 (可選), 剪刀、螺絲刀等小工具.

在淘寶等購買 HDMI 插頭 (推薦 HDMI 免焊接插頭, 方便接線), 以及 USB 轉 UART 模塊 (推薦 CP2102 型號), 照片如圖:



CP2102 模塊
UART 發(fā)送

注意: 5V電源線必須連接, 如果不接則 UART 不會有輸出.



如果有萬用表, 可以在接線之后測量一下是否連通。


本章所需硬件設備: 小米電視, 章節(jié) (3) 制作的調試線, PC (臺式機或筆記本)

注意: 這臺設備的 UART 波特率為 921600 ! (之前使用 115200 一直是亂碼)

5.1 將調試線的 USB 轉 UART 模塊插到 PC, 并打開 UART.

使用哪種操作系統(tǒng), 以及串口軟件都可以. 以下栗子只是多種可能之一

操作命令舉例 (操作系統(tǒng) ArchLinux)

  • 插上 CP2102 模塊:

  1. > lsusb
  2. Bus 001 Device 006: ID 10c4:ea60 Silicon Labs CP210x UART Bridge
  3. > ls -l /dev/tty*
  4. crw-rw---- 1 root uucp 188,  0 12月26日 15:40 /dev/ttyUSB0
此處 CP2102 USB 轉 UART 模塊出現為設備文件 /dev/ttyUSB0

  • 設置波特率為921600:
  1. > stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 ispeed 921600 ospeed 921600
  2. > stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 speed
  3. 921600

  • 打開 UART:
  1. > cu -l /dev/ttyUSB0
  2. Connected.

如果沒有 cu 命令, 可以安裝 uucp:
  1. > sudo pacman -S uucp

5.2 將調試線的 HDMI 插頭插到電視的 HDMI 1 插座, 如圖:

正常開機狀態(tài)下, 重啟電視. 然后應該能看到 UART 輸出的啟動日志

  1. AOCPU unknown cmd=20
  2. [VRTC] xMboxSetRTC val=0x64373481
  3. T5:BL:b49668;ID:4D32583237340F0000250D01;FEAT:B0F875B4:280000;POC:F;RCY:0;EMMC:0;READ:0;0.0;0.0;CHK:0;
  4. aml log : uart_clk_enhance() need fine tune

  5. efuse adjust vddee vol,get efuse index value:0002
  6. use efuse adjust vddee voltage, set vol 0.84v
  7. bl2_stage_init 0x01

  8. L0:00001803
  9. L1:00000702
  10. L2:00008060
  11. L3:00000000
  12. SIP:0006c6a

  13. TE: 117954

  14. BL2 Aarch32 Built : 15:50:08, Mar 17 2023. t5 g2df8b51 - zhiguang.zhang@droid08-bj

  15. aml log : T5 efuse_get_sar_adc_ref() need fine tune
  16. Board ID = 1
  17. Set cpu clk to 24M
  18. Set clk81 to 24M
  19. CPU clk: 1800 MHz
  20. Set clk81 to 166.6M

  21. aml log : bl2_platform_setup() need fine tune
  22. eMMC boot [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=103582]@[/url] 0
  23. sw-hs 00000000
  24. s
  25. sw8 s
  26. storage init finish
  27. DDR debug 1  p_acs_set=fffc30f0,come here plat/t5/ddr/ddr.c ,207
  28. aml log : not USB BOOT...
  29. DDR_DRIVER_VERSION: AML_A_PHY_V_1_2; Built : 15:50:08, Mar 17 2023. t5 g2df8b51 - zhiguang.zhang@droid08-bj
  30. 00000000
  31. emmc switch 1 ok
  32. ddr saved addr:00016000
  33. Load ddr parameter from eMMC, src: 0x02c00000, des: 0xfffc4fbc, size: 0x00001000, part: 0
  34. 00000000
  35. emmc switch 0 ok
  36. fastboot data verify
  37. verify result: 0
  38. enable_fast_boot
  39. dram_type==DDR4
  40. config==Rank01_32bit_ch0
  41. DDR : DDR4 Rank01_32bit_ch0
  42. Set ddr clk to 1176 MHz
  43. DDR debug 1 dram_vref_reg_value=00000016 plat/t5/ddr/ddr_lib.c ,4844
  44. CS0 size: 1024MB
  45. CS1 size: 1024MB
  46. Total size: 2048MB @ 1176MHz
  47. DDR : 2048MB @1176MHz
  48. cs0 DataBus test pass
  49. cs1 DataBus test pass
  50. cs0 AddrBus test pass
  51. cs1 AddrBus test pass
  52. bdlr_step_size ps=397
  53. rpmb not init until <register.h> have been fixed
  54. Load FIP HDR from eMMC, src: 0x00014200, des: 0x00200000, size: 0x00004000, part: 0
  55. Load BL3X from eMMC, src: 0x00018200, des: 0x00204000, size: 0x00138000, part: 0

  56. boot BL31
  57. NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):e2d6c4e91
  58. NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 15:39:27, May 20 2021
  59. BL31:tsensor calibration rev, buf1[1], buf1[0]: 0x2, 0x80, 0xc
  60. BL31:tsensor calibration: 0x8600000c
  61. tsensor reg: 0x20d4
  62. mhu init done-v2
  63. NOTICE:  BL31: T5 secure boot!
  64. NOTICE:  BL31: BL33 decompress pass
  65. Starting IANFO:    BL3-2: ATOS-V2.4.4-145-gf6c6ed9e2 #1 Wed Dec 16 12:45:54 2020 +0800 arm
  66. INFO:    BL3-2: Chip: T5 Rev: B (34:B - 10:11)
  67. INFO:    BL3-2: crypto engine DMA
  68. INFO:    BL3-2: secure time TEE
  69. INFO:    BL3-2: CONFIG_DEVICE_SECURE 0xb200000e
  70. OCPU FreeRTOS
  71. AOCPU image version='(no 6774b479c2e09162650601c4c33d8a1f194dd5f1 15:55:52 2023-04-04'
  72. [AOCPU]: mailbox init start
  73. reg idx=0 cmd=6 handler=100051da
  74. reg idx=1 cmd=7 handler=100051c4
  75. [AOCPU]: mailbox -v1 init end
  76. reg idx=2 cmd=9 handler=100057ca
  77. Starting timer ...
  78. reg idx=3 cmd=b4 handler=10002a4e
  79. reg idx=4 cmd=b6 handler=10002992
  80. reg idx=5 cmd=11 handler=100017b0
  81. reg idx=6 cmd=12 handler=100017e8
  82. reg idx=7 cmd=4 handler=100019b6
  83. reg idx=8 cmd=30 handler=100019a2
  84. reg idx=9 cmd=31 handler=100019b2
  85. Starting task scheduler ...
  86. protect cbus registers

  87. U-Boot 2015.01-g9fb9269-mulan_a-22 (Apr 04 2023 - 15:55:49), Build: jenkins-uboot_Mulan_A-22

  88. DRAM:  2 GiB
  89. Relocation Offset is: 76e45000
  90. mmu cfg end: 0x80000000
  91. mmu cfg end: 0x80000000
  92. spi_post_bind(spicc): req_seq = 0
  93. register usb cfg[0][1] = 0000000077f4dae8
  94. gpio: pin GPIOD_2 (gpio 2) value is 0
  95. gpio: pin GPIOD_3 (gpio 3) value is 1
  96. gpio: pin GPIOB_12 (gpio 48) value is 0
  97. gpio: pin GPIOB_13 (gpio 49) value is 0
  98. MMC:   aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073e35cd0
  99. aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073e38010
  100. SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1
  101. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
  102. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
  103. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
  104. emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, cmd->cmdarg=0x1aa, status=0x1ff2800
  105. emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x1ff2800
  106. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
  107. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000
  108. init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML
  109. [mmc_init] mmc init success
  110. aml log : R2048 check pass!
  111.       Amlogic Multi-DTB tool
  112.       Multi DTB detected.
  113.       Multi DTB tool version: v2.
  114.       Support 2 DTBS.
  115. ddr size = 80000000
  116.       Found DTB for "t5_mulan_01_2g"
  117. start dts,buffer=0000000073e3a860,dt_addr=0000000073e3b060
  118. get_partition_from_dts() 80: ret 0
  119. parts: 19
  120. 00:      logo        0000000000800000 1
  121. 01:  recovery        0000000001800000 1
  122. 02:      misc        0000000000800000 1
  123. 03:      dtbo        0000000000800000 1
  124. 04:  cri_data        0000000000800000 11
  125. 05:     param        0000000001000000 2
  126. 06:      boot        0000000001000000 1
  127. set has_boot_slot = 0
  128. 07:       rsv        0000000001000000 1
  129. 08:  metadata        0000000001000000 1
  130. 09:    vbmeta        0000000000200000 1
  131. 10:       tee        0000000002000000 1
  132. 11:secure_recovery        0000000002000000 1
  133. 12:factorydata        0000000000a00000 11
  134. 13:    vendor        0000000020000000 1
  135. 14:       odm        0000000008000000 1
  136. 15:    system        0000000060000000 1
  137. 16:   product        0000000002000000 1
  138. 17:     cache        0000000020000000 2
  139. 18:      data        ffffffffffffffff 4
  140. init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML
  141. eMMC/TSD partition table have been checked OK!
  142. crc32_s:0x1577dad == storage crc_pattern:0x1577dad!!!
  143. crc32_s:0xee152b83 == storage crc_pattern:0xee152b83!!!
  144. crc32_s:0x79f50f07 == storage crc_pattern:0x79f50f07!!!
  145. mmc env offset: 0x27400000
  146. aml log : internal sys error!
  147. reboot_mode=normal
  148. gpio: pin GPIOD_7 (gpio 7) value is 1
  149. [store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_read 0x1000000 0x40000]
  150. _verify_dtb_checksum()-3476: calc 21656022, store 21656022
  151. _verify_dtb_checksum()-3476: calc 21656022, store 21656022
  152. dtb_read()-3691: total valid 2
  153. update_old_dtb()-3672: do nothing
  154. aml log : R2048 check pass!
  155.       Amlogic Multi-DTB tool
  156.       Multi DTB detected.
  157.       Multi DTB tool version: v2.
  158.       Support 2 DTBS.
  159. ddr size = 80000000
  160.       Found DTB for "t5_mulan_01_2g"
  161. amlkey_init() enter!
  162. calc 62758a9f50c, store 62758a9f50c
  163. calc 62758a9f50c, store 62758a9f50c
  164. do nothing
  165. [EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 4
  166. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000
  167. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000
  168. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
  169. emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, cmd->cmdarg=0x1aa, status=0x1ff2800
  170. emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x1ff2800
  171. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
  172. co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000
  173. init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML
  174. [mmc_init] mmc init success
  175. switch to partitions #0, OK
  176. mmc1(part 0) is current device
  177. current model_name: dzvc_01_20
  178. mmc env offset: 0x27400000
  179. Writing to MMC(1)... done
  180. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[0] is (0x37)

  181. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[1] is (0x37)

  182. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[2] is (0x37)

  183. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[3] is (0x37)

  184. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[4] is (0x37)

  185. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[5] is (0x37)

  186. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[6] is (0x37)

  187. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[7] is (0x37)

  188. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[8] is (0x37)

  189. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[9] is (0x37)

  190. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[10] is (0x37)

  191. D/    model:    handle_lcd_phy, phy_lane_ctrl[11] is (0x37)

  192. [KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_get_key_device]L99:lcd_optical key name is not exist
  193. [KM]Error:f[_get_km_ops_by_name]L247:key lcd_optical not know device 5
  194. [KM]Error:f[key_unify_query_exist]L367:key[lcd_optical] not cfg in dts
  195. E/    UnifyKey:    checkUnifyKey, lcd_optical query exist error.

  196. E/    ini_io:    check_hex_data_have_header_valid, rd data len error (0x0, 0xffffffff)

  197. D/    model:    handle_panel_ini, check lcd_optical param data diff (0xffffffff), save new param.

  198. [KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_get_key_device]L99:lcd_optical key name is not exist
  199. [KM]Error:f[_get_km_ops_by_name]L247:key lcd_optical not know device 5
  200. [KM]Error:f[key_unify_write]L278:key[lcd_optical] no cfg in dts
  201. vpu: clk_level in dts: 7
  202. vpu: vpu_power_on_new
  203. vpu: set clk: 666667000Hz, readback: 666666667Hz(0x100)
  204. vpu: vpu_module_init_config
  205. vpp: vpp_init
  206. vpp: vpp osd1 matrix rgb2yuv..............
  207. vpp: vpp osd2 matrix rgb2yuv..............
  208. hdr_func 4, hdr_process_select 0x1
  209. hdr_func 1, hdr_process_select 0x1
  210. lcd: lcd_debug_print flag: 0
  211. lcd: detect mode: tv, key_valid: 1
  212. lcd: load lcd_config from unifykey
  213. lcd_phy_probe
  214. lcd: unifykey version: 0x0002
  215. lcd: unifykey version: 0x0002
  216. lcd: tcon: rsv_mem addr:0x2bc00000, size:0xc00000
  217. lcd: lcd_tcon_bin_path_update: init_load: 0
  218. lcd: tcon: load init data len: 6356, ver: 20221009
  219. lcd: lcd_tcon_bin_load
  220. E/    model:    handle_tcon_data_load, tcon_data[4] file name "/param/tcon_demura.bin" not exist.

  221. lcd extern: load config from unifykey
  222. lcd extern: add driver ext_default(0)
  223. lcd: lcd_extern_config_update_dynamic_size size:0x2b
  224. lcd: lcd_extern_config_update_dynamic_size size:0x0
  225. lcd: lcd_extern_config_update_dynamic_size size:0x0
  226. lcd extern: aml_lcd_extern_probe: index(0->0) ok
  227. lcd: load backlight_config from unifykey
  228. lcd: bl: unifykey version: 0x0001
  229. lcd: bl: pinctrl_version: 2
  230. lcd: bl: name: bl_pwm, method: 2
  231. lcd: bl: bl_level: 127
  232. lcd: bl: aml_bl_power_ctrl: 0
  233. aml log : internal sys error!
  234. s_version: U-Boot 2015.01-g9fb9269-mulan_a-22
  235. do_factorydata_read:258 Can't find out dcdc from factorydata.
  236. factorydata - Access the factorydata from Xiaomi Partition

  237. Usage:
  238. factorydata     argv:  
  239.     dump
  240.     read keyname
  241.     write keyname value
  242.     erase keyname

  243. Hit Enter or space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- :  0

  244. soc_family_id==0x00000034
  245. table_max=0000000c,p_ddr_base_add=77f4b9c0,chip_id=00000034
  246. table_index=00000000,p_ddr_base_add=77f4b9c0,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==00000028
  247. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,G12A will use default value
  248. table_index=00000001,p_ddr_base_add=77f4ba10,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==00000029
  249. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,G12B will use default value
  250. table_index=00000002,p_ddr_base_add=77f4ba60,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==0000002e
  251. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,TL1 will use default value
  252. table_index=00000003,p_ddr_base_add=77f4bab0,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==0000002b
  253. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,SM1 will use default value
  254. table_index=00000004,p_ddr_base_add=77f4bb00,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==0000002f
  255. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,TM2 will use default value
  256. table_index=00000005,p_ddr_base_add=77f4bb50,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==0000002c
  257. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,A1 will use default value
  258. table_index=00000006,p_ddr_base_add=77f4bba0,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==00000030
  259. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,C1 will use default value
  260. table_index=00000007,p_ddr_base_add=77f4bbf0,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==00000033
  261. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,C2 will use default value
  262. table_index=00000008,p_ddr_base_add=77f4bc40,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==00000032
  263. no find match chip id=0x00000034, ,SC2 will use default value
  264. table_index=00000009,p_ddr_base_add=77f4bc90,(p_ddr_base->chip_id==00000034
  265. find match chip id=0x00000034 ,T5
  266. uboot  auto fast boot check flash data is ok return
  267. Command: bcb uboot-command
  268. Start read misc partition datas!
  269. BCB hasn't any datas,exit!
  270. pll tsensor avg: 0x20da, u_efuse: 0xc
  271. temp1: 45
  272. device cool done
  273. [OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb
  274. [OSD]load fb addr from dts:/fb
  275. [OSD]set initrd_high: 0x2b400000
  276. [OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x2b400000
  277. [OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb
  278. [OSD]load fb addr from dts:/fb
  279. [OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x2b400000
  280. [OSD]VPP_OFIFO_SIZE:0xfff01fff
  281. [CANVAS]canvas init
  282. [CANVAS]addr=0x2b400000 width=3840, height=2160
  283. [OSD]osd_hw.free_dst_data: 0,3839,0,2159
  284. [OSD]osd1_update_disp_freescale_enable
  285. vpp: vpp_matrix_update: 0
  286. vpp: g12a/b post2(bit12) matrix: YUV limit -> RGB ..............
  287. lcd: enable: ST4251D02_1, p2p, 3840x2160@60. 0Hz
  288. lcd: tv driver init(ver 20221101): p2p
  289. lcd: reset tcon
  290. lcd: lcd_pll_wait_lock: pll_lock=1, wait_loop=1
  291. lcd: set pll spread spectrum: 15, 30000ppm
  292. lcd: set pll spread spectrum: freq=0, mode=0
  293. vpp: vpp_init_lcd_gamma_table
  294. [info]spicc_probe: amlogic,meson-g12a-spicc @00000000ffd13000
  295. [info]spicc_cs_gpio_init: cs_gpio[0]=22
  296. [info]spicc_cs_gpio_init: total (1) slaves
  297. SF: Detected XM25QH80B with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 1 MiB
  298. spi read test ok spi_read_test
  299. lcd: error: spi read test ok
  300. lcd: lcd_tcon_core_reg_set
  301. lcd: error: lcd_tcon_data_set: data index -1 is invalid
  302. lcd extern: lcd_extern_power_ctrl: ext_default(0): 1
  303. lcd: bl: set level: 127, last level: 0
  304. lcd: bl: aml_bl_power_ctrl: 1
  305. lcd: clear mute
  306. Start read misc partition datas!
  307. info->attemp_times = 0
  308. info->active_slot = 0
  309. info->slot_info[0].bootable = 1
  310. info->slot_info[0].online = 1
  311. info->slot_info[1].bootable = 0
  312. info->slot_info[1].online = 0
  313. info->attemp_times = 0
  314. attemp_times = 0
  315. active slot = 0
  316. [imgread]szTimeStamp[2023041122493711]
  317. [imgread]secureKernelImgSz=0x866000
  318. aml log : R~2048 check pass!
  319. aml log : R2048 check pass!
  320. aml log : R2048 check pass!
  321. avb2: 0
  322. ee_gate_off ...
  323. avb2: 0
  324. ## Booting Android Image at 0x01080000 ...
  325. Kernel command line: androidboot.dtbo_idx=0 buildvariant=user
  326. [store]Is good fdt check header, no need decrypt!
  327. active_slot is normal
  328. load dtb from 0x1000000 ......
  329.       Amlogic Multi-DTB tool
  330.       Single DTB detected
  331. find 1 dtbos
  332. dtbos to be applied: 0
  333. Apply dtbo 0
  334.    Loading Kernel Image(COMP_NONE) ... OK
  335.    kernel loaded at 0x01080000, end = 0x018b9000
  336. libfdt fdt_getprop(): FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND
  337.    Loading Device Tree to 0000000009fe7000, end 0000000009fff559 ... OK
  338. fdt_fixup_memory_banks, reg:0000000000000000

  339. Starting kernel ...

  340. uboot time: 3036492 us
  341. vmin:72 b2 6 0!
  342. [VRTC]: xMboxGetRTC val=0x64373481
  343. [cec_get_portinfo]: info=0x0
  344. AOCPU unknown cmd=b5

如果看到類似上面的輸出, 說明調試線及各種設置一切正常!

5.3 再次重啟, 同時快速連續(xù)多次按回車鍵, 直到進入 uboot 命令行
  1. s_version: U-Boot 2015.01-g9fb9269-mulan_a-22
  2. do_factorydata_read:258 Can't find out dcdc from factorydata.
  3. factorydata - Access the factorydata from Xiaomi Partition

  4. Usage:
  5. factorydata     argv:  
  6.     dump
  7.     read keyname
  8.     write keyname value
  9.     erase keyname

  10. Hit Enter or space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- :  0
  11. mulan#
  12. mulan#
  13. mulan#
  14. mulan#
好了, 這就進入 uboot 命令行了 ! 我們先來查看一些信息

執(zhí)行 printenv 命令:
  1. mulan#printenv
  2. DisableSelinux=permissive
  3. EnableSelinux=enforcing
  4. Irq_check_en=0
  5. Ramoops_io_dump=0
  6. Ramoops_io_en=0
  7. Ramoops_io_skip=1
  8. assm_mn=DZVCARF3B18TXNXX02321
  9. assm_sn=48276106100061401
  10. baudrate=115200
  11. bl_level=127
  12. boot_part=boot
  13. bootargs=init=/init ramoops.pstore_en=1 ramoops.record_size=0x8000 ramoops.console_size=0x4000 logo=osd0,loaded,0x3d800000 powermode=on fb_width=1920 fb_height=1080 display_bpp=16 outputmode=2160p60hz vout=2160p60hz,enable panel_type= lcd_ctrl=0x00001185 osd_reverse=n video_reverse=0 androidboot.firstboot=0 jtag=disable irq_check_en=0 ramoops_io_en=0 ramoops_io_dump=0 ramoops_io_skip=1 androidboot.mi.panel_size=43 bl_level=127 androidboot.mi.panel_vendor=csot androidboot.mi.panel_resolution=3840x2160 androidboot.panel_type=20 androidboot.reboot_mode=normal androidboot.platform_id=1180 androidboot.model_name=dzvc_01_20 androidboot.redmi=false androidboot.hwid=01 androidboot.serialno=48276106100061401 androidboot.mac=78:53:33:10:dd:a5 androidboot.assm_mn=DZVCARF3B18TXNXX02321 androidboot.did_key=00CB00073C3B|754663978|k5sBrXtwBJ6BLv5O loglevel=0 androidboot.console_enable=0 androidboot.hardware=amlogic androidboot.bootloader=U-Boot 2015.01-g9fb9269-mulan_a-22 androidboot.build.expect.baseband=N/A androidboot.provider=amlogic androidboot.watchdog=enabled androidboot.mi.panel_buildin=true androidboot.mi.panel_3d_attribut=0 androidboot.mi.cpu=Cortex-A35 androidboot.mi.gpu=Mali-G31
  14. bootcmd=ddr_auto_fast_boot_check 6; run switch_bootmode
  15. bootdelay=1
  16. bootloader_version=U-Boot 2015.01-g9fb9269-mulan_a-22
  17. cec_ac_wakeup=1
  18. cec_fun=0x2F
  19. cmdline_keys=if factorydata read assm_sn; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.serialno=${assm_sn};else setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.serialno=1234567890;fi;if factorydata read mac; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.mac=${mac};fi;if factorydata read assm_mn; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.assm_mn=${assm_mn};fi;if factorydata read did_key; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.did_key=${did_key};fi;if factorydata read dcdc; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.dcdc=${dcdc};fi;if factorydata read log_level; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} loglevel=${log_level};else setenv bootargs ${bootargs} quiet;fi;if factorydata read console_enable; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.console_enable=${console_enable};if itest ${console_enable} != 0; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${console_userdebug};fi;else setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${console_userdebug};fi;if factorydata read mitv_screen_on; then if test ${mitv_screen_on} = false; then factorydata write mitv_screen_on 'true';else factorydata write mitv_screen_on 'true';setenv mitv_screen_on true;fi;else factorydata write mitv_screen_on 'true';setenv mitv_screen_on true;fi;
  20. console_enable=0
  21. console_userdebug=console=ttyS0,921600 no_console_suspend earlycon=aml-uart,0xffd23000 printk.devkmsg=on
  22. did_key=00CB00073C3B|754663978|k5sBrXtwBJ6BLv5O
  23. display_bpp=16
  24. display_color_bg=0
  25. display_color_fg=0xffff
  26. display_color_index=16
  27. display_height=1080
  28. display_layer=osd0
  29. display_width=1920
  30. dtb_mem_addr=0x1000000
  31. edid_14_dir=/odm/etc/tvconfig/hdmi/port_14.bin
  32. edid_20_dir=/odm/etc/tvconfig/hdmi/port_20.bin
  33. edid_select=0
  34. factory_reset_poweroff_protect=if test ${wipe_data} = failed; then echo wipe_data=${wipe_data};run update;fi;if test ${wipe_cache} = failed; then echo wipe_cache=${wipe_cache};run update;fi;
  35. fb_addr=0x3d800000
  36. fb_height=1080
  37. fb_width=1920
  38. fdt_high=0x20000000
  39. ffv_freeze=off
  40. ffv_wake=off
  41. firstboot=0
  42. frac_rate_policy=1
  43. fs_type=root=/dev/mmcblk0p20 ro rootwait skip_initramfs
  44. hdmimode=2160p60hz
  45. hdr_policy=1
  46. hwid=01
  47. init_display=osd open;osd clear;if test ${redmi} = true; then imgread pic logo redmi ${loadaddr};bmp display ${redmi_offset};else imgread pic logo bootup ${loadaddr};bmp display ${bootup_offset};fi;bmp scale;vout output ${outputmode}
  48. initargs=init=/init ramoops.pstore_en=1 ramoops.record_size=0x8000 ramoops.console_size=0x4000
  49. irremote_update=if irkey 2500000 0xe31cfb04 0xb748fb04; then echo read irkey ok!; if itest ${irkey_value} == 0xe31cfb04; then run update;fi;fi;
  50. jtag=disable
  51. lcd_ctrl=0x00001185
  52. lcd_init_level=0
  53. led_brightness=0xff
  54. loadaddr=1080000
  55. lock=10101000
  56. log_level=0
  57. logic_addr=0x0
  58. mac=78:53:33:10:dd:a5
  59. mitv_screen_on=true
  60. model_edid=/odm/etc/tvconfig/hdmi/port_14.bin
  61. model_name=dzvc_01_20
  62. model_panel=/odm/panel/CSOT_ST4251D02-1/p2p_cspi_cvte.ini
  63. model_tcon=/odm/panel/CSOT_ST4251D02-1/p2p_cspi.bin
  64. model_tcon_bin_header=1
  65. model_tcon_ext_b0=null
  66. model_tcon_ext_b0_spi=/param/tcon_p_gamma.bin
  67. model_tcon_ext_b1=null
  68. model_tcon_ext_b1_spi=null
  69. model_tcon_ext_b2=null
  70. model_tcon_ext_b2_spi=null
  71. model_tcon_ext_b3=null
  72. model_tcon_ext_b3_spi=null
  73. osd_reverse=n
  74. otg_device=0
  75. outputmode=2160p60hz
  76. panel_name=ST4251D02_1
  77. panel_resolution=3840x2160
  78. panel_reverse=0
  79. panel_size=43
  80. panel_vendor=csot
  81. platform_id=1180
  82. port_map=4312
  83. powermode=on
  84. preboot=run storeargs;
  85. ramdump_enable=1
  86. reboot_mode=normal
  87. recovery_from_flash=if itest ${upgrade_step} == 3; then if ext4load mmc 1:2 ${dtb_mem_addr} /recovery/dtb.img; then echo cache dtb.img loaded; fi;if ext4load mmc 1:2 ${loadaddr} /recovery/recovery.img; then echo cache recovery.img loaded; bootm ${loadaddr}; fi;fi;if imgread kernel ${recovery_part} ${loadaddr} ${recovery_offset}; then bootm ${loadaddr}; fi;
  88. recovery_from_udisk=if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} mulan.autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi;if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} mulan.recovery; then if fatload usb 0 ${dtb_mem_addr} mulan.dtb; then echo udisk dtb loaded; fi;bootm ${loadaddr};fi;
  89. recovery_fs_type=root=ramfs
  90. recovery_offset=0
  91. recovery_part=recovery
  92. redmi=false
  93. sdr2hdr=0
  94. secureboot=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${recovery_fs_type} otg_device=0;run init_display;get_valid_slot;if imgread kernel secure_recovery ${loadaddr} 0; then bootm ${loadaddr}; fi;reboot;
  95. stderr=serial
  96. stdin=serial
  97. stdout=serial
  98. storeargs=get_rebootmode;get_bootloaderversion;setenv bootargs ${initargs} logo=${display_layer},loaded,${fb_addr} powermode=${powermode} fb_width=${fb_width} fb_height=${fb_height} display_bpp=${display_bpp} outputmode=${outputmode} vout=${outputmode},enable panel_type=${panel_type} lcd_ctrl=${lcd_ctrl} osd_reverse=${osd_reverse} video_reverse=${video_reverse} androidboot.firstboot=${firstboot} jtag=${jtag} irq_check_en=${Irq_check_en} ramoops_io_en=${Ramoops_io_en} ramoops_io_dump=${Ramoops_io_dump} ramoops_io_skip=${Ramoops_io_skip};setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.mi.panel_size=${panel_size} bl_level=${bl_level} androidboot.mi.panel_vendor=${panel_vendor} androidboot.mi.panel_resolution=${panel_resolution} androidboot.panel_type=${tag};setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.reboot_mode=${reboot_mode} androidboot.platform_id=${platform_id} androidboot.model_name=${model_name} androidboot.redmi=${redmi} androidboot.hwid=${hwid};run cmdline_keys;setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.hardware=amlogic androidboot.bootloader=${bootloader_version} androidboot.build.expect.baseband=N/A;setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.provider=amlogic androidboot.watchdog=enabled androidboot.mi.panel_buildin=true androidboot.mi.panel_3d_attribut=0 androidboot.mi.cpu=Cortex-A35 androidboot.mi.gpu=Mali-G31;
  99. suspend=shutdown
  100. switch_bootmode=bcb uboot-command;run factory_reset_poweroff_protect;run upgrade_check;if test ${reboot_mode} = cold_boot; then if adcdetect; then echo GOT secure_recovery key from ADC;run secureboot;fi;if irdetect; then echo GOT recovery key from IR;run update;fi;if monitor_bt_cmdline; then echo GOT recovery key from BT;run update;fi;if factorydata read factory_power_mode; then echo Factory power mode: ${factory_power_mode};if test ${factory_power_mode} = secondary;then systemoff;fi;fi;else boot_cooling;if test ${reboot_mode} = fastboot; then fastboot;else if test ${reboot_mode} = update; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${recovery_fs_type} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part=${recovery_part} recovery_offset=${recovery_offset} androidboot.selinux=${DisableSelinux} otg_device=0;run init_display;run recovery_from_flash;else if test ${reboot_mode} = watchdog_reboot; then if test ${mitv_screen_on} = false; then monitor_bt_cmdline;echo watchdog enter system off;systemoff;fi;else if test ${reboot_mode} = kernel_panic; then if test ${mitv_screen_on} = false; then monitor_bt_cmdline;echo kernel_panic enter system off;systemoff;fi;else if test ${reboot_mode} = factory_reset; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${recovery_fs_type} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part=${recovery_part} recovery_offset=${recovery_offset} androidboot.selinux=${DisableSelinux} otg_device=0;run init_display;run recovery_from_flash;fi; fi; fi; fi; fi; fi;run init_display;setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${fs_type} androidboot.selinux=${EnableSelinux} otg_device=${otg_device} androidboot.led_brightness=${led_brightness};get_valid_slot;if imgread kernel boot ${loadaddr}; then bootm ${loadaddr}; fi;run storeargs;setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${recovery_fs_type} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part=${recovery_part} recovery_offset=${recovery_offset} androidboot.selinux=${DisableSelinux} otg_device=0;run recovery_from_flash;
  101. tag=20
  102. update=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${recovery_fs_type} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part=${recovery_part} recovery_offset=${recovery_offset} androidboot.selinux=${DisableSelinux} otg_device=0;run init_display;if usb start 0; then run recovery_from_udisk;fi;run recovery_from_flash;
  103. upgrade_check=if itest ${upgrade_step} == 3; then echo upgrade_step=${upgrade_step}; run update;fi;
  104. upgrade_step=0
  105. video_reverse=0
  106. wipe_cache=successful
  107. wipe_data=successful

  108. Environment size: 9759/65532 bytes
  109. mulan#

uboot 命令行幫助信息
  1. mulan#help
  2. ?       - alias for 'help'
  3. adcdetect- Detect ADC Key to start secure recovery system
  4. adnl    - use Amlogic DNL protocol
  5. aml_bcb - aml_bcb
  6. aml_sysrecovery- Burning with amlogic format package from partition sysrecovery
  7. amlmmc  - AMLMMC sub system
  8. autoscr - run script from memory
  9. avb     - avb
  10. base    - print or set address offset
  11. bcb     - bcb
  12. bmp     - manipulate BMP image data
  13. boot_cooling- cpu temp-system
  14. booti   - boot arm64 Linux Image image from memory
  15. bootm   - boot application image from memory
  16. cec     - Amlogic cec
  17. clkmsr  - Amlogic measure clock
  18. cmp     - memory compare
  19. cp      - memory copy
  20. crc32   - checksum calculation
  21. dcache  - enable or disable data cache
  22. ddr_auto_fast_boot_check- ddr_fastboot_config cmd arg1 arg2 arg3...
  23. ddr_auto_scan_drv- ddr_test_cmd cmd arg1 arg2 arg3...
  24. ddr_auto_test_window- ddr_test_cmd cmd arg1 arg2 arg3...
  25. ddr_cpu_test- ddr_test_cmd cmd arg1 arg2 arg3...
  26. ddr_fast_boot- ddr_fastboot_config cmd arg1 arg2 arg3...
  27. ddr_g12_offset_data- ddr_g12_offset_data  1 0  0 0  1 3
  28. ddr_g12_override_data- ddr_g12_override_data  1 0  0 0  1 3
  29. ddr_spec_test- DDR test function
  30. ddr_test_cmd- ddr_test_cmd cmd arg1 arg2 arg3...
  31. ddr_test_copy- ddr_test_copy function
  32. ddrtest - DDR test function
  33. defenv_reserv- reserve some specified envs after defaulting env
  34. dspjtagreset- excute dsp jtag rest
  35. dtimg   - manipulate dtb/dtbo Android image
  36. echo    - echo args to console
  37. efuse   - efuse commands
  38. efuse_user- efuse user space read write ops
  39. emmc    - EMMC sub system
  40. env     - environment handling commands
  41. exit    - exit script
  42. ext4load- load binary file from a Ext4 filesystem
  43. ext4ls  - list files in a directory (default /)
  44. ext4size- determine a file's size
  45. factorydata- Access the factorydata from Xiaomi Partition
  46. false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully
  47. fastboot- use USB Fastboot protocol
  48. fatinfo - print information about filesystem
  49. fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
  50. fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
  51. fatsize - determine a file's size
  52. fdt     - flattened device tree utility commands
  53. forceupdate- forceupdate
  54. g12_d2pll- g12_d2pll 1300  1 0x10 0
  55. get_avb_mode- get_avb_mode
  56. get_bootloaderversion- print bootloader version
  57. get_nearly_model- find the nearly model name
  58. get_rebootmode- get reboot mode
  59. get_system_as_root_mode- get_system_as_root_mode
  60. get_valid_slot- get_valid_slot
  61. go      - start application at address 'addr'
  62. gpio    - query and control gpio pins
  63. gpt     - GUID Partition Table
  64. guid    - GUID - generate Globally Unique Identifier based on random UUID
  65. hdmirx  - hdmirx init function

  66. help    - print command description/usage
  67. i2c     - I2C sub-system
  68. icache  - enable or disable instruction cache
  69. img_osd - image osd sub-system
  70. imgread - Read the image from internal flash with actual size
  71. ini     - parse an ini file in memory and merge the specified section into the env
  72. ini_model- parse ini file by env model_name
  73. init_vpp- Initial VPP Module
  74. irdetect- Detect IR Key to start recovery system
  75. itest   - return true/false on integer compare
  76. jtagoff - disable jtag
  77. jtagon  - enable jtag
  78. keyman  - Unify key ops interfaces based dts cfg
  79. keyunify- key unify sub-system
  80. lcd     - lcd sub-system
  81. loadb   - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
  82. loadx   - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
  83. loady   - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
  84. loop    - infinite loop on address range
  85. md      - memory display
  86. mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
  87. mmc     - MMC sub system
  88. mmcinfo - display MMC info
  89. model_list- list ini model name
  90. monitor_bt_cmdline- monitor_bt_cmdline
  91. mw      - memory write (fill)
  92. mwm     - mw mask function
  93. nm      - memory modify (constant address)
  94. open_scp_log- print SCP messgage
  95. osd     - osd sub-system
  96. panel_detect- Detect panel type from GPIO pin configuration
  97. printenv- print environment variables
  98. query   - SoC query commands
  99. rdext4pic- read logo bmp from ext4 part
  100. readMetadata- readMetadata
  101. read_temp- cpu temp-system
  102. reboot  - set reboot mode and reboot system
  103. reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
  104. ringmsr - Amlogic measure ring
  105. rpmb_state- RPMB sub-system
  106. rsvmem  - reserve memory
  107. run     - run commands in an environment variable
  108. saradc  - saradc sub-system
  109. saradc_12bit- saradc sub-system
  110. saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
  111. sdc_burn- Burning with amlogic format package in sdmmc
  112. sdc_update- Burning a partition with image file in sdmmc card
  113. set_active_slot- set_active_slot
  114. set_trim_base- cpu temp-system
  115. set_usb_boot- set usb boot mode
  116. setenv  - set environment variables
  117. sf      - SPI flash sub-system
  118. showvar - print local hushshell variables
  119. sleep   - delay execution for some time
  120. spi_read_test- read spi

  121. sspi    - SPI utility command
  122. startdsp- load dspboot.bin from address
  123. store   - STORE sub-system
  124. systemoff- system off
  125. tee_log_level- update tee log level
  126. temp_triming- cpu temp-system
  127. test    - minimal test like /bin/sh
  128. testcache- cache test
  129. testsmp - test each CPU power on/off
  130. true    - do nothing, successfully
  131. unpackimg- un pack logo image into pictures
  132. usb     - USB sub-system
  133. usb_burn- Burning with amlogic format package in usb
  134. usb_update- Burning a partition with image file in usb host
  135. usbboot - boot from USB device
  136. uuid    - UUID - generate random Universally Unique Identifier
  137. version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
  138. viu_probe- enable viu probe in no secure chip
  139. vout    - VOUT sub-system
  140. vout2   - VOUT2 sub-system
  141. vpp     - vpp sub-system
  142. vpu     - vpu sub-system
  143. write_trim- cpu temp-system
  144. write_version- cpu temp-system
  145. mulan#

  1. mulan#mmcinfo
  2. Device: SDIO Port C
  3. Manufacturer ID: 9b
  4. OEM: 100
  5. Name: Y2P03
  6. Tran Speed: 52000000
  7. Rd Block Len: 512
  8. MMC version 5.1
  9. High Capacity: Yes
  10. Capacity: (0x747c00000 Bytes) 29.1 GiB
  11. mmc clock: 40000000
  12. Bus Width: 8-bit
  13. mulan#mmc part

  14. Partition Map for MMC device 1  --   Partition Type: AML

  15. Part   Start     Sect x Size Type  name
  16. 00 0 8192    512 U-Boot bootloader
  17. 01 73728 131072    512 U-Boot reserved
  18. 02 221184 1048576    512 U-Boot cache
  19. 03 1286144 16384    512 U-Boot env
  20. 04 1318912 16384    512 U-Boot logo
  21. 05 1351680 49152    512 U-Boot recovery
  22. 06 1417216 16384    512 U-Boot misc
  23. 07 1449984 16384    512 U-Boot dtbo
  24. 08 1482752 16384    512 U-Boot cri_data
  25. 09 1515520 32768    512 U-Boot param
  26. 10 1564672 32768    512 U-Boot boot
  27. 11 1613824 32768    512 U-Boot rsv
  28. 12 1662976 32768    512 U-Boot metadata
  29. 13 1712128 4096    512 U-Boot vbmeta
  30. 14 1732608 65536    512 U-Boot tee
  31. 15 1814528 65536    512 U-Boot secure_recovery
  32. 16 1896448 20480    512 U-Boot factorydata
  33. 17 1933312 1048576    512 U-Boot vendor
  34. 18 2998272 262144    512 U-Boot odm
  35. 19 3276800 3145728    512 U-Boot system
  36. 20 6438912 65536    512 U-Boot product
  37. 21 6520832 54550528    512 U-Boot data
  38. ** Partition 22 not found on device 1 **
  39. mulan#

  1. mulan#reset
  2. resetting ...

6. 進入 recovery 命令行

本章所需硬件設備: 小米電視, 小米電視的遙控器, 章節(jié) (3) 制作的調試線, PC (臺式機或筆記本)

6.1 按照章節(jié) (5) 的方法進入 uboot 命令行

  1. mulan#factorydata
  2. factorydata - Access the factorydata from Xiaomi Partition

  3. Usage:
  4. factorydata     argv:  
  5.     dump
  6.     read keyname
  7.     write keyname value
  8.     erase keyname

  9. mulan#factorydata dump
  10. do_factorydata_dump : Got factory_power_mode[18] is [9]secondary
  11. do_factorydata_dump : Got console_enable[14] is [1]0
  12. do_factorydata_dump : Got pcba_mn[7] is [21]DZVCBCP3A12XXNXF00793
  13. do_factorydata_dump : Got pcba_sn[7] is [21]DZVCBCP3A12XXNXF00793
  14. do_factorydata_dump : Got assm_sn[7] is [17]48276106100061401
  15. do_factorydata_dump : Got mac[3] is [17]78:53:33:10:dd:a5
  16. do_factorydata_dump : Got did_key[7] is [39]00CB00073C3B|754663978|k5sBrXtwBJ6BLv5O
  17. do_factorydata_dump : Got assm_mn[7] is [21]DZVCARF3B18TXNXX02321
  18. do_factorydata_dump : Got bt_rc_mac[9] is [18]F4:22:7A:63:AE:6D;
  19. do_factorydata_dump : Got log_level[9] is [1]0
  20. do_factorydata_dump : Got mitv_screen_on[14] is [4]true
  21. do_factorydata_dump : Got miot_beacon_pdu[15] is [38]0201060FFF8F030A10070F00ACE90FE18040E0
  22. mulan#

6.2 啟用 console:
  1. mulan#factorydata write console_enable 1

6.3 按照章節(jié) (3) 的方法進入 recovery
  1. Starting kernel ...

  2. uboot time: 10638025 us
  3. vmin:72 b2 6 0!
  4. [VRTC]: xMboxGetRTC val=0x0
  5. [cec_get_portinfo]: info=0x0
  6. AOCPU unknown cmd=b5
  7. #
好了, 我們進入 recovery 命令行了 ! 看一下基本信息
  1. # type busybox
  2. busybox is /sbin/busybox
  3. # busybox id
  4. uid=0(root) gid=0(root) context=u:r:shell:s0
  5. # busybox getenforce
  6. Permissive
  7. # busybox uname -a
  8. Linux localhost 4.9.113 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 11 22:37:53 CST 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux
  9. #
好, 我們是 root, 并且 SELinux 處于關閉狀態(tài), 可以為所欲為了!

  1. # busybox ls -al /
  2. total 2080
  3. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for localtime!
  4. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT!
  5. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules!
  6. drwxr-xr-x   27 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 .
  7. drwxr-xr-x   27 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 ..
  8. dr-xr-xr-x    4 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 acct
  9. lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            11 Jan  1  1970 bin -> /system/bin
  10. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 boot
  11. lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            50 Jan  1  1970 bugreports -> /data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports
  12. drwxrwx---    6 system   cache         4096 Jan  1 00:03 cache
  13. lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            13 Jan  1  1970 charger -> /sbin/charger
  14. drwxr-xr-x    4 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 config
  15. lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            17 Jan  1  1970 d -> /sys/kernel/debug
  16. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 data
  17. lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            12 Jan  1  1970 default.prop -> prop.default
  18. drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root          5320 Jan  1 00:00 dev
  19. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 etc
  20. -rwxr-x---    1 root     root       1500384 Jan  1  1970 init
  21. -rwxr-x---    1 root     root          2842 Jan  1  1970 init.rc
  22. -rwxr-x---    1 root     root         14915 Jan  1  1970 init.recovery.amlogic.rc
  23. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 metadata
  24. drwxr-xr-x    3 root     system          60 Jan  1 00:00 mnt
  25. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 odm
  26. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 oem
  27. drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 persist
  28. -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         24584 Jan  1  1970 plat_file_contexts
  29. -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         28976 Jan  1  1970 plat_property_contexts
  30. dr-xr-xr-x  137 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 proc
  31. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 product
  32. -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          6676 Jan  1  1970 prop.default
  33. drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 res
  34. drwx------    2 root     root             0 Apr 11  2023 root
  35. drwxr-x---    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 sbin
  36. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 sdcard
  37. -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        472377 Jan  1  1970 sepolicy
  38. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 sideload
  39. drwxr-x--x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 storage
  40. dr-xr-xr-x   12 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 sys
  41. lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            19 Jan  1  1970 system -> /system_root/system
  42. drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 system_root
  43. drwxrwxr-x    2 root     shell           80 Jan  1 00:00 tmp
  44. drwx------    3 root     root          8192 Jan  1  1970 udisk
  45. -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          5272 Jan  1  1970 ueventd.rc
  46. drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 vendor
  47. -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         28202 Jan  1  1970 vendor_file_contexts
  48. -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          4146 Jan  1  1970 vendor_property_contexts
  49. #

7.在 uboot 下備份各個系統(tǒng)分區(qū)

本章所需硬件設備: 小米電視, 章節(jié) (3) 制作的調試線, PC (臺式機或筆記本), U 盤 (1 個, 格式化為 FAT32 文件系統(tǒng), 容量 8GB 以上)

8.在 recovery下備份各個系統(tǒng)分區(qū)

本章所需硬件設備: 小米電視, 小米電視的遙控器, 章節(jié) (3) 制作的調試線, PC (臺式機或筆記本), U 盤 (1 個, 格式化為 FAT32 文件系統(tǒng), 容量 8GB 以上).

8.1 插入 U 盤 (FAT32 格式), 然后進入 recovery

  1. # busybox ls -al /dev/block
  2. total 0
  3. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for localtime!
  4. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT!
  5. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules!
  6. drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root           820 Jan  1 00:00 .
  7. drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root          5320 Jan  1 00:00 ..
  8. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  11 Jan  1 00:00 boot
  9. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   1 Jan  1 00:00 bootloader
  10. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   3 Jan  1 00:00 cache
  11. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   9 Jan  1 00:00 cri_data
  12. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  22 Jan  1 00:00 data
  13. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   8 Jan  1 00:00 dtbo
  14. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   4 Jan  1 00:00 env
  15. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  17 Jan  1 00:00 factorydata
  16. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   5 Jan  1 00:00 logo
  17. brw-------    1 root     root        7,   0 Jan  1 00:00 loop0
  18. brw-------    1 root     root        7,   8 Jan  1 00:00 loop1
  19. brw-------    1 root     root        7,  16 Jan  1 00:00 loop2
  20. brw-------    1 root     root        7,  24 Jan  1 00:00 loop3
  21. brw-------    1 root     root        7,  32 Jan  1 00:00 loop4
  22. brw-------    1 root     root        7,  40 Jan  1 00:00 loop5
  23. brw-------    1 root     root        7,  48 Jan  1 00:00 loop6
  24. brw-------    1 root     root        7,  56 Jan  1 00:00 loop7
  25. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  13 Jan  1 00:00 metadata
  26. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   7 Jan  1 00:00 misc
  27. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   0 Jan  1 00:00 mmcblk0
  28. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  32 Jan  1 00:00 mmcblk0boot0
  29. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  64 Jan  1 00:00 mmcblk0boot1
  30. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  96 Jan  1 00:00 mmcblk0rpmb
  31. brw-------    1 root     root       31,   0 Jan  1 00:00 mtdblock0
  32. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  19 Jan  1 00:00 odm
  33. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  10 Jan  1 00:00 param
  34. drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root           100 Jan  1 00:00 platform
  35. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  21 Jan  1 00:00 product
  36. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   6 Jan  1 00:00 recovery
  37. brw-------    1 root     root      179,   2 Jan  1 00:00 reserved
  38. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  12 Jan  1 00:00 rsv
  39. brw-------    1 root     root        8,   0 Jan  1 00:00 sda
  40. brw-------    1 root     root        8,   1 Jan  1 00:00 sda1
  41. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  16 Jan  1 00:00 secure_recovery
  42. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  20 Jan  1 00:00 system
  43. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  15 Jan  1 00:00 tee
  44. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  14 Jan  1 00:00 vbmeta
  45. brw-------    1 root     root      179,  18 Jan  1 00:00 vendor
  46. brw-------    1 root     root      254,   0 Jan  1 00:00 zram0

  1. # busybox mount
  2. rootfs on / type rootfs (rw,seclabel)
  3. tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
  4. devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=600,ptmxmode=000)
  5. proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
  6. sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,seclabel,relatime)
  7. selinuxfs on /sys/fs/selinux type selinuxfs (rw,relatime)
  8. tmpfs on /mnt type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000)
  9. none on /acct type cgroup (rw,relatime,cpuacct)
  10. tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,relatime)
  11. none on /config type configfs (rw,relatime)
  12. adb on /dev/usb-ffs/adb type functionfs (rw,relatime)
  13. /dev/block/sda1 on /udisk type vfat (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0077,dmask=0077,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
  14. /dev/block/cache on /cache type ext4 (rw,seclabel,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,discard,data=ordered)
  15. # busybox ls -al /udisk
  16. total 16
  17. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for localtime!
  18. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT!
  19. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules!
  20. drwx------    3 root     root          8192 Jan  1  1970 .
  21. drwxr-xr-x   27 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 ..
  22. drwx------    2 root     root          8192 Dec 26  2023 202312
  23. #
recovery 已經自動將 U盤掛載到了 /udisk 目錄

8.2 備份除了 data (用戶數據) 外的所有分區(qū)
  1. # busybox dd if=/dev/block/boot of=/udisk/boot.img
  2. 32768+0 records in
  3. 32768+0 records out
  4. 16777216 bytes (16.0MB) copied, 0.417935 seconds, 38.3MB/s
  5. #
重復使用 dd 命令, 具體需要備份的分區(qū)可以參考以下列表:
  1. # busybox ls -al /udisk
  2. total 3072016
  3. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for localtime!
  4. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT!
  5. __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules!
  6. drwx------    3 root     root          8192 Jan  1 00:21 .
  7. drwxr-xr-x   27 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 ..
  8. drwx------    2 root     root          8192 Dec 26  2023 202312
  9. -rwx------    1 root     root      16777216 Jan  1 00:05 boot.img
  10. -rwx------    1 root     root       4194304 Jan  1 00:06 bootloader.img
  11. -rwx------    1 root     root     536870912 Jan  1 00:13 cache.img
  12. -rwx------    1 root     root       8388608 Jan  1 00:16 cri_data.img
  13. -rwx------    1 root     root       8388608 Jan  1 00:17 dtbo.img
  14. -rwx------    1 root     root       8388608 Jan  1 00:17 env.img
  15. -rwx------    1 root     root      10485760 Jan  1 00:18 factorydata.img
  16. -rwx------    1 root     root       8388608 Jan  1 00:20 logo.img
  17. -rwx------    1 root     root      16777216 Jan  1 00:18 metadata.img
  18. -rwx------    1 root     root       8388608 Jan  1 00:20 misc.img
  19. -rwx------    1 root     root       4194304 Jan  1 00:12 mmcblk0boot0.img
  20. -rwx------    1 root     root       4194304 Jan  1 00:12 mmcblk0boot1.img
  21. -rwx------    1 root     root     134217728 Jan  1 00:16 odm.img
  22. -rwx------    1 root     root      16777216 Jan  1 00:17 param.img
  23. -rwx------    1 root     root      33554432 Jan  1 00:19 product.img
  24. -rwx------    1 root     root      25165824 Jan  1 00:21 recovery.img
  25. -rwx------    1 root     root      67108864 Jan  1 00:21 reserved.img
  26. -rwx------    1 root     root      16777216 Jan  1 00:12 rsv.img
  27. -rwx------    1 root     root      33554432 Jan  1 00:16 secure_recovery.img
  28. -rwx------    1 root     root     1610612736 Jan  1 00:24 system.img
  29. -rwx------    1 root     root      33554432 Jan  1 00:17 tee.img
  30. -rwx------    1 root     root       2097152 Jan  1 00:18 vbmeta.img
  31. -rwx------    1 root     root     536870912 Jan  1 00:20 vendor.img
  32. #

8.3 重啟設備, 拔出 U 盤

然后把上述獲得的分區(qū)鏡像文件, 打包壓縮一下, 找個安全的地方備份起來 (建議上傳網盤), 以后對于救磚有重要用途

上述整個操作過程中獲得的各種信息 (UART 輸出), 也建議保存?zhèn)溆?br />


發(fā)表于 2024-7-8 13:13 | 只看該作者 | 來自江西
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發(fā)表于 2024-8-5 09:22 | 只看該作者 | 來自山東
小米電視大師77寸oled,按住確認和返回命令行提示no recovery mod,adb重啟到recovery無法輸入,沒有#
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發(fā)表于 2024-8-6 18:13 | 只看該作者 | 來自重慶
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發(fā)表于 2024-8-12 10:57 | 只看該作者 | 來自河北
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發(fā)表于 2024-9-20 12:06 | 只看該作者 | 來自陜西
那請問怎么   root 呢  用busybox DD命令提取的BOOT.IMG去修補,修補完了之后刷進去之后不進系統(tǒng),只能進REC。
      在鏈接教程2中我失敗在安裝magisk.zip這一步,提示error127,提示安裝失敗 不知道怎么搞了
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發(fā)表于 2024-9-26 23:18 | 只看該作者 | 來自湖北
yuan185 發(fā)表于 2024-9-20 12:06
那請問怎么   root 呢  用busybox DD命令提取的BOOT.IMG去修補,修補完了之后刷進去之后不進系統(tǒng),只能進RE ...

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發(fā)表于 2024-10-19 21:20 | 只看該作者 | 來自北京
樓主能分享一份2.8.2129 (穩(wěn)定版)..固件嗎?
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